2019 Litter

Dodger & Sami 2019 litter

Meet the proud parents of our 2019 litter!

For additional info on Dodger click here:




Sami is proud to introduce her fall litter of 2019.

Please click here for more information and pedigree info on Sami:


Introducing our “Star-Wars” themed litter. We had 7 healthy babies born September 5th, 2019. 6 males and 1 female. These puppies were all such joys to have around! Now they all have wonderful homes where we get frequent pictures and updates. 


Meet the “Star-Wars” boys! Each boy was very unique and sweet. We miss them, but love getting updates and seeing that they’re all very well loved.


Leia was the only female of the litter. She was quite a little tomboy due to being surrounded by 6 rowdy brothers. 

Though very sweet and loving, she new how to hold her own and was very independent. 

She’s now the spoiled “only child” to a sweet young couple. 


Please check back for puppy availability or planned litters!

Puppies at 5 weeks old. Left to right: Vader, Chewy, Trooper, Han, Obi, Leia and Lando.